You've seen them on cable. The webpage offers more of the same
CNN Sports Illustrated
World and US sports galore
Olympics Sydney 2000
The Official Olympic Site for the Sydney 2000 Summer Olympics next September
Golf Today
For what's happening in the world of Golf and details on 1,000's of Golf Courses worldwide, look no further
Great Sports
This site has information on just about any sport you can think of. Hang Gliding, Jump Rope or Football they have it all
Quokka Digital Sports
An excellent site with access to 24-hour immersive coverage of remarkable sporting events
This is a great site for all the latest news on Formula One
If it's Boating you are in to, then sail on over here. Along with an excellent Boat Database it has Gear Review, Sailing Skills and current Seastate and Weather for the UK
Sports A-Z. This site has information about sports from around the world. Produced by the General Association of International Sports Federations